
So guys, i have a new line out- have you heard of it? It’s a totally amazing Lolita line :). Click our flyer to head over to our website!!!!

So, a few weeks ago, I came across this picture online. And I was speechless- No, more than speechless, I was outraged. The fact that someone from our otaku community could create this and put it somewhere that everyone and anyone can see baffles me. Of course I cannot tell people what they should think- and by no means do I feel that I have the right to control anyone’s thoughts. But, it still disgusts me that someone would feel this way and post it in this spiteful way. When I look at this picture, all that I can see that’s wrong is the fact that she’s not wearing Serena’s wig, and that her books are the wrong color.One of my very first blog posts that I have ever written was about all of us Otakus being a community. A community where we all fit in, because we don’t fit in. Yet, it seems like we’ve been forgetting that lately. Before we start spitting this venom at others, I think we need to remember two things: one that cosplay is something that is supposed to be fun and two that we need to think of others feelings before we act so cruel against them.

So, the next time you’re thinking about posting something like, remember the time when your cosplay was anything less than award winning- but how proud you were of it. And then think of how you’d feel to see a picture of yourself online with such derogatory slander.

Camp Anime sept 7-9 in Ct needs volunteers

Posted August 28, 2012

Camp Anime(Sept. 7-9 in Woodstock Valley, CT) is right around the corner and they still need a few volunteers. You can volunteer for 1 day or all 3 for free admission. All volunteers will need to do are simple things like checking badges, making sure they have enough chairs in the rooms, etc.They also have openings for about 4-5 more panels and it’s the same deal, if you run a panel you get in for free. Just contact me Matt  if you’’re interested either by emailing Camp Anime at contact@campanime.com or by calling him at 860-741-2522-.So what are you waiting for, Hurry!

Wig Care 101

Posted August 15, 2012

Let’s face it; wigs are an important part of cosplay. And depending on what wig you need, they can get pretty expensive. So, how do you know which wig to buy and what to buy to take care of it? Here are the top 5 rules for buying and caring for your wigs.

1.   Make Sure it’s Heat Resistant

One important thing to look out for- the main thing as far as I’m concerned-is that your wig can take the heat. Buying heart resistant wigs means that you can curl and straiten them. This will be EXTREAMLY useful once the wig loses its curl or starts getting a little “fluffy”

2.   Buy a Wig Stand

Wig stands come in different shapes and prices, but it doesn’t matter which one you get. All that matters is that the wig stand (or head) will help keep your wig from getting matted and tangled.

3.   Buy Wig Conditioner, Shampoo and Sheen

Although wigs aren’t always human hair, you still can wash them to keep them looking new.  If you don’t want to wash your wig, that’s alright to, just make sure that you have wig sheen or at least a wig spray that detanglesto keep your wig looking new and refreshed.

4.   Buy a Wig Brush

Make sure that you have a wig brush to untangle your wigs.  When brushing, start from the bottom and work your way up while holding the top of the wig with your other hand.

5.   Buy a Wig Cap

Somepeople say that you don’t really need a wig cap….You do. Wig caps stop yourhair from showing out the wig and help keep the wig on your head…. BUY A WIGCAP.

CosplayNYC Magazine Turns 1!

Posted June 30, 2012

Well… this is it. This is the last day before July shows it hot head. It’s crazy, I have to admit, that just a bit more than one year ago, at 3:00 am, I was sitting on my bed and talking to my friend on my cell phone. I had just stated blogging maybe 5 or 6 months ago, and I never would have thought that I’d be running a magazine. And i wouldn’t be…if we it hadn’t been for one “what it.”

“What if there was a cosplay magazine in the United States?” quickly turnied into- “what if it featured everyday cosplayers?” and from there, once the the: “what if we ran it” crossed our minds- we hit the ground running, and haven’t looked back yet- nor do we plan to.

In the last year, we have attended around twenty conventions, written well over 100 articles and have had thousands of reads. We’ve come along way from our first issue’s photo shoot in Bryant Park last June.

As our New Year starts, I want to thank our amazing staff and most importantly, the readers. Without you, we wouldn’t be anything. We have so much more in store, and I look forward to the journey. Much more than that- I look for many more CosplayNYC birthdays to come.

Happy Birthday Natsuki!!!

Posted on June 21, 2012

Today I turned the magical 18, and I spent it the best way I know how- at my favorite restaurant Yakiniku West. Besides being chased down for the first time- for “not leaving enough of a tip- we had a pretty amazing time. Thanks everyone for all my birthday wishes- and I look forward to many birthdays to come!

How To: Blossom Cosplay

Posted on June 17, 2012

Let’s be honest- cosplay can cost a pretty penny. But why buy you cpslays that you already have in your closet? That’s tight- you can turn your everyday clothes into many differen tcosplys- and over the next few months, i will be showing you how. To start off, i will be showing you how to make a Blossom Cosplay (Powerpuff Girls) for under ten dollars!
 This cosplay really only has four parts: the dress, the tights, the belt and the bow. For the dress, i found a simple pink mini dress for around five dollars from H&M’s clearance section. I then visted my loacal thrift store where i found the belt and tights for only 50 cents each! To top it all off (Literally), i made my bow ouf of scrap fabric- although i could have just used any red bow or bought a similar one from claires for $3.oo. Last by not least, i threw on some black flats that i had laying around.

How to Read Japanese Vowels

      Japanese is much like English- though it may seem a lot harder. It’s a lot easier though to learn when you think of the similaties- such as characters. Although the Japanese characters may look so much different than letters- they serve the same purpose: to signify a sound. Another similarity is vowels.            The Japanese vowels are the same as out English ones: A, E, I, O, and U. Unlike other Japanese characters the vowels each have their own character which is used when there is no character before it or the last character doesn’t include the sound: for example, inu- or dog- is the character for “I” alone and then the character for “nu”

Taking about sounds, lets talk about how you say each vowel:

“A”- Is pronounced like the “a” in father.

“E”-Is pronounced like the “eh”.

“I”- Is pronounced like the “e” in see.

“O”- Is pronounced like “ohh”.

“U”- Is pronounced like the“oo” in book.

Cosplay Contacts 101

   Contacts are a great addition to any cosplay- and look amazing on a normal day. Here are some tips to make your contacts last as long as possible while keeping your eyes healthy.1.Be Stingy

Never- EVER- share your contacts. The other person could have an eye disease that will just be spread to you when you wear them again.

2.Keep them Clean

After every use, make sure to clean your contacts using solution- NEVER water. To clean contacts simply drop some solution on one once you take it out and lightly- yet with some force- use your thumb and pointer finger to rub the contact. After you do that for about ten seconds, drip some solution on the contact again and put it in the contact case.

3.  Know When It’s Time To Go

If you handle contacts too rough, you can rip them.  When this happens, it’s important to throw them away and get a new pair. Wearing them once their ripped can result in scratching your eye.

4.When In Doubt, Do Without

Whenever your eye is red or sore, do not wear your contacts. If your vision gets blurry or if you are extremely teary, then go to your nearest doctor. If your eye is just red and a little irritating- but doesn’t show these symptoms- chances are you scratched your cornea. Don’t worry; it happens to the best of us. Just make sure to not wear contacts until at least a day has gone by with no redness or pain. Doing so would not only be uncomfortable, but could also result in infection.

5. Keep Track Of Time

Don’t wear your contacts for more than ten hours.  If you do, your eyes will be dry which will just make you a bit tired. Also, make sure to NEVER sleep with your contacts on. Contacts can go behind your eye if you rub them in your sleep.

While contacts are a necessity to most cosplays- eyes are a necessity to everyone. So, stay smart, and take care of your eyes. Make sure to follow these simple rules and to buy your contacts from a known contact supplier- or from a store that you’ve heard reviews about.

Convention Preview

      We have finally solved the world wide epidemic that has been sweeping across out nation…No- not world hunger or obesity… but where you will be able to find us this year! I know, I know- you’re welcome. Here’s a list of all the cons you’ll be able to find us at- email us at info@narunatsu.com if you’re gonna be there too! We’d love to hear what cosplays you’re planning to do and even set up some photoshoots!


February 17-19, 2012

Gaylord National Resort & Convention CenterNational Harbor, MD


February 24-26, 2012

Sheraton Meadowlands Hotel & Conference Center

East Rutherford, NJ


March 10, 2012

Polytechnic Institute of NYU

Brooklyn, NY

Sakura Matsuri

Saturday, April 28–Sunday, April 29

900 Washington Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225


March 30- April 1, 2012

Stony Brook University

Stony Brook, NY

Castle Point Anime Convention

April 1 2012

Stevens Institute of Technology

Hoboken, NJ

Anime Boston

April 6-8, 2012

Hynes Convention Center

Boston, MA


June 8-10, 2012

Garden State Exhibit Center

Somerset, NJ


July 27-29, 2012

Baltimore Convention Center

Baltimore, MD

New York Comic Con

October 11-14

655 West 34th Street

New York, NY

How I made $1951.50 At Comic Con

     I attend an average of at least 5 anime conventions a year. A lot of times during these cons, funds are low to say the least. But I always make sure to not let it get me down. I have been hosting by “Otaku on A Budget” panel and blogging for about eight months now, and I wanted to show NaruNatsu.com’s readers that you really CAN be an Otaku on a budget…So this year, with ten dollars and a metro card, I attended New York Comic Con to show you how I made $1951.50 in free swag and to show you how you can do it too!

Enter Contests!

Thanks to contests I not only won a VIP ticket to Comic Con, I also won a figure and a free Otamatone!

VIP Ticket…………………$250.00




Keep Your Eyes Open!

By simply looking around and paying attention, I found a bin of 5 Gum and of Magic the Gathering Cards- just by the crowds of people surrounding them- and a Poster left behind as the Javits was shutting down.

57 Packs of 5 Gum………$71.25

52 BoxDecks of Magic Cards………$520.00

Small Poster…………………………. $3.00



My friend was able to get me a “My Beating Heart Pillow” for free because he asked for it because it was the last day of Comic Con and it wasn’t working. After adding batteries, it works just fine! Also, Anime Access VIPs received giant “Fairy Tail” versions of the New York Anime Festival Posters- that you could buy for $15.00. At the end of the convention, they still had quite a lot left. I asked if I could take them, and guess what! They said yes!!

My Beating Heart Pillow……$42.00

50 Fairly Tail Posters………….$750.00

Total…………………………….$ 1726.25

Do Some Work!

Anime Pavilion looks for convention goers to help sell and pack up their items at Anime Conventions. At this years’ Comic Con, I volunteered and I am so happy that I did! For volunteering I got to pick out an Inuyasha Book bag and Manga. We also got snacks to eat there and take home : 3.

Inuyasha Bag……………….. $25.00

X-Men Misfits Manga……. $12.75

3 Packs of High Chews……. $7.50

Total……………………….. $ 1771.50

Get it Signed!

I received a ticket for the Autograph signing for Junko Takeuchi (the voice of Naruto) because they just simply had them left over in the VIP lounge! I also received a signed poster by the creators of the poster for this year’s New York Comic Con thanks to my VIP pass and one more because they simply had them left over. I also made sure to get any little signatures that I could- cause hey a signature’s a signature!

Junko’s Signature………………….$ 50.00

NYCC Posters…………………….$100.00

Miscellaneous Posters………………$30.00


Become Press!

Become press surprisingly isn’t that hard. I have hosted a web show as well as my blog, and I’ve realized that all it takes, is the will to want to talk about Anime, Manga, Comics, etc.…. You don’t need fancy equipment or a degree.

4 Day Pass…………………… $90.00

Total……………….. $1991.50

So, there you have it! Without spending a penny I received $1991.50 in free swag, and you can do it to :3

How To Survive Comic Con!

             This year will mark my 3rd year of attending New York Anime Festival, and my second time attending it combined with New York Comic Con. In my three years, I’ve learned some very important rules to surviving Comic Con….

1. Be Early

Make sure that you arrive at the convention early. The earlier you are the quicker you get into the con. Also, in past years staff has been known to do giveaways and give out autograph signing tickets to those in the front of the line. And if you want to attend a highly anticipated event or panel- like the Gaia Panel or the Masquerade- ask a staff member if it’s okay (some events don’t allow it) and go to the event room a panel before so you don’t have to wait online and you already have a seat.

2.  Explore!

The Jacob Javits Center is GIGANTIC! Make sure to explore and check out every vendor, artist and panel for giveaways and games!

3. BYOF (Bring Your Own Food)

I cannot stress how expensive food is at conventions. Bring your own food, or go out of the convention center to eat. With the money you save, you can buy a new plushie!

4. Know Where You’re Going

Check out HopStop.com for personalized directions to and from the Jacob Javits Convention Center. Don’t forget, the address to the center is 655 West 34th Street!

5. Have Your Cosplay Finished the Week Before!

Make sure that you have time to make any last minute adjustments to your costume. Putting the costume off too close to the convention can lead to mistakes and no time to fix them.

6. Map Out Your Weekend

Take advantage of the Event list for the convention. Make a list of the events that you want to attend, their times, and their rooms to make sure you don’t miss anything.

7. Hold on To Your Pass

Remember, if you lose your pass you cannot get another one unless you buy a new one. Make sure to have your pass on you at all times.

8. Bring a Small Bag

There is a bag check at the Jacob Javits Center, but make sure to carry a small bag with you with your essentials. There are some pick-pockets and thieves at conventions so try and avoid holding things in your pockets or leaving them lying around unattended.

9. Things to Bring:

Speaking of Essentials, make sure you always have on you:

a. A Notebook or Notepad for autographs or Facebook emails.

b.A sharpie and a pen for your notebook/notepad

c. Water

d. A granola bar for if you get a little puckish.

e.Tissues because you never know what you’re going to have to clean.

f. Small Bills so if you make a deal with a vendor you’re not asking  for change.

g. Contact case if you wear costume contacts in case something happens or your eyes just get tired.

10. Get Some Rest!

Make sure that you are well rested on the Wednesday before the con. And make sure to get some sleep between days!

Maneki Neko

             In front of a Japanese shop, you’ve probably seen a ceramic cat like this witha  raised foreleg probably holding a gold coin. These cat statues are called Maneki Neko. Maneki Neko mean Beckoning Cat however it’s more commonly known as a Lucky Cat in English. They are believed to bring good fortune.

One of the stories regading the origin of the Maneki Neko is based on an expirience of Naotaka Li (a Edo Period daimyo lord.)  One day while Naotaka was walking through a shaddy temple, a pet neko(cat) started beckoning him. Right as he walked into the temple a thunderstorm struck! So, he took shelter from the rain there and got to know the priest. Due to the fact that Naotaka became impressed the character of the priest, he donated money to the temple, causing it to prosper. Thankful for the cat, the priest built Shoubyoudo- which is the Beckoning Cat Building-  and put up the first Maneki Neko.

There are many different varieties of Maneki Neko today- each with different meanings:

Right Paw

inviting money and good fortune.

Both Paws

protecting home or business.

Left Paw

inviting customers or people.Bib and Bell

wealthiness and material abundance.

Calico Cat

traditionally the luckiest cat of all.

White Cat

purity, positive things to come.

Black Cat

wards off evil and stalkers

Golden Cat

intense wealth and prosperity.

Red Cat

love, marriage and personal matters.

Pink Cat

love, relationships and romance.

Green Cat

sometimes health or educations/studies.

* Special Thanks to http://www.namaii.com

Top Tips on Attending a Convention

1.)    Dress comfortably.

During a convention it might get crowded and there might be a lot of walking. So prepare for it. Wear good sneakers, dress casually and nicely. If you feel good, you’ll have a better time.

2.)    Shower, wear decorate, smell nice.

It’s a convention; truth is there are people who don’t shower there. So don’t be like them and wash up and smell nice. There’s going to be walking and sweating, so carry some perfume and you boys some axe or something! But spray yourself in private, some people get headaches when there in the area of spraying.

3.)    Be friendly and participate.

This is a werid one I guess. Be nice to people and talk! Conventions are like one giant family gathering of otakus! So talk to people and ask around and be polite! There’s probably some games, and events going on. Join the fun. You’ll get some of the crowd’s attention and it’ll be fun! Maybe there’s a special prize at the end~

4.)    Have fun.

The whole point of paying and going is so you can enjoy the con and look around to see things and enjoy yourself!

5.)    Plan ahead.

If your going to a convention out of state and need a hotel, book it early! The earlier the better chance you’ll get one! Transportation also, driving, train, whatever. Plan your money. With tickets, transportation maybe hotel fees, food, and maybe buying some stuff you’re going to go brokw so plan your money spending.

Top 5 Tips For Cosplaying

1.)    Be as accurate as possible.

It’s fun to cosplay around but sometimes it’s good to be accurate. I mean you would want people to recognize you and get compliments on your wonderful cosplay right?

2.)    Know your character.

Know your character. Usual fans that look at you might bomberge you for not even knowing the character you’re cosplaying. So get there personality and maybe even some epic moments of them in their glory. Knowing your character is being your character.

3.)    Think of picture poses.

Some presses, fans, and even bystanders might think your cosplay is picture perfect and wants to take a picture of you. If you just stand there like a stick it’s not very cool. So fi you’re a samurai, ninja think of action, fighting stances. If you’re a princess, fairy, or school girl think of a cute moe~ pose! Anything is fine than just standing and smiling.

4.)    Be comfortable in your cosplay.

If your going insane with big armors and stuff make sure you’re able to move and have the energy to stay in that costume for as long as you intend to. Or if it’s the middle of summer you don’t won’t to be sweating, gasping for air… am I right?

Happy Mothers Day

Haha no Hi, or Happy Mothers Day! Here at NaruNatsu.com, we want to wish all of the Mothers out there- and the soon to be ones- a Haha no Hi. Without mothers, where would we be. It is thanks to mothers that we have great anime, great manga, great friends, and most importantly- you, our readers. So turn to your mother, and wish her a Haha no Hi…even though it certainly is no laughing matter.

3 Dollar Tea ?!?!?!

You don’t have to take classes to learn how to enjoy green tea. The $3 Special Tea Sampler from Den’s Tea will assist you in becoming confident in choosing your favorite types of green tea and brewing it.

Den’s tea- an esteemed tea producer in Japan- started distibuting their high quality tea to North America a decade ago They have now created a $3 Green  Tea Sampler for Novices.

The sampler contains Loose Leafe tea- Genmaicha Extra Geen, Sencha Fukamidori, and Houkicha Gold. Gormet tea bags Sencha and Genmaicha. Also a randomly picked seasonal selection.

The kit also includes convient tea filters, brewing instructions, as well as an informative nbook about tea and its health benefits.

You can order this kit at denstea.com. Shipping is free so why not try it >.<!

Big Apple Karaoke

Big Apple Karaoke is the newest Karaoke spot in Manhattan. It has 12 private rooms and songs in a range of 16 languages (of course including english and japanese.) They are haveing a grand opening campain for the month of February!  Private rooms are half off- making them $3/hour/person from Monday- Wednesday abd 4/hour/person from Thursday to Saturday.

They’re even giving out 1 iPad and 100 free 1 hour gift cards!!!!

Check them out, they’re located at 303-305 E. 53rd. Street and their website is bigapplekaraoke.net.

Turn Your Anime And Manga Into Cash !

If you have some time on your hands and you’re in Midtown Manhattan, then be sure to check out Book Off.

Book Off sells used books staring at one dollar. They also sell music, video games, comics, and magazines at amazingly low prices. Book Off will even buy your books, CD’s, Mangas, and DVDs!

So, check out Book OFF: located at 49 W. 45th ( Betweeen 5th and 6th aves.)

What’s Happening to Our Community?

In the time that I’ve been an Otaku, I’ve heard of- and seen- peoples personal belongings being stolen at conventions…Otaku going against Otaku… Even rude, bashing, “sweet” Lolitas… So, i can’t help but wonder whats going on!

Weather you call our Comunity the Anime Community or the Otaku Comunity- or anything else for that matter- the fact still remains that we are a Comunity….Or we used to be.

Our Community exists so that we can fit in, because we stick out. SO we can be the same, becuase we are different. And most importantly because we all love Japanese Culture.

X Japan New Album News

X Japan, one of the most successful rock band in Japanese history, and EMI Music have signed an exclusive three-year manufacturing and distribution agreement that will have EMI Label Services handle the band¹s releases in North America.  The first release will be the track ³Jade² on March 15, followed by the band¹s as yet untitled American debut set for a Summer, 2011 release.

X Japan- in case you didn’t know- consists of:  Yoshiki/band leader/producer/songwriter/drums, piano, Toshi/vocals, Pata/guitar, Sugizo/guitar, violin, and Heath/bass. They are in the

studio putting the finishing touches on the album, the band¹s first new

studio album since 1996, and fifth overall.  Half of the songs will be

culled from some of the band’s Gold and Platinum Japanese singles; the other

half are brand-new songs, and an estimated 95% of the lyrics are being sung

in English.

Big Apple Comic Con Volunteer Scandal!!!!


Everyone, here at NaruNatsu.com, we care about you the fans and readers. So, we want to warn you about a HORRIBLE Convention…. BIG APPLE COMIC CON! That’s right, i know we previously promoted the convention, but after volunteering there it is of grave importance that we expose them for what they really are: a bunch of crooks.

Natsuki and her friend Len Kagamine(Yea, that’s the real name- she got it legally changed) Worked for the convention for 11 hours only to be told- at the end of their hours- that they did not do any work and accussed them of stealing tickets. They then told Natsuki that we would recieve press passes, however after entering the convention to recieve those press passes they were harrassed and told to leave!

We are not going to tell you where or where not to go, however we just wanted you to know the type of games that this convention plays…

International Lolita Day

Attention!!!! June 4th is…. INTERNATIONAL LOLITA DAY! Dress in your finest Lolita Outfit, and where it with pride. The next Lolita Day will be the first Saturday of December

AM2 Welcomes Gashicon

AM2 is proud to welcome Gashicon, Hangry & Angry character and fashion designer as an official Guests of Honor, and will  showcase the highly coveted Hangry & Angry fashion line of the same name which features the infamous gro-kawa (gross and kawaii) themed line at AM2’s fashion show.Gashicon is the up-and-coming illustrator who is in charge of producing the Hangry & Angry characters and comics.  With regular publications in visual-kei music magazines in Japan, the comic has successfully developed and popularized the unique world of Hangry & Angry to where it was highly involved with the hit anime-based live-action film Death Note.  AM2 attendees will be able to catch up with the latest Hangry & Angry fashions at this year¹s event.

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